In a shocking incident, a man named Kamlesh Patidar, 35, who was declared 'dead' due to Covid-19 returned home leaving family and neighbours baffled...
The doctors informed the heirs about the death of 67-year-old John Jossey Romero and barred them from seeing the body by declaring the dead as coronavirus patient.
Conjecture over Kim has grown since his conspicuous no-show at April 15 celebrations for the birthday of his grandfather Kim Il Sung, the North's founder -- the most important day in the country's political calendar.
Rescue teams have recovered a mother and her child alive in the rubble of Xinjia Hotel on Monday over 50 hours after the hotel building collapsed in China.
HARARE: Rashid Khan insisted that "anything can happen" and that Afghanistan are still holding hopes of qualifying for next year's World Cup in England...
KOT FATEH KHAN: Festooned with garlands and colourful bridles, turbaned riders mounted on horseback in full gallop lower their lances at tiny wooden blocks...
SULAIMANIA, Iraq: A top Kurdish counter-terrorism official said on Monday he was 99 percent sure that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was alive...