air pollution

Long-term air pollution exposure raises depression risk: studies

Long-term exposure to air pollution raises the risk of depression, according to a pair of… Read More

Thailand says stay indoors as air pollution spikes

Air pollution in Bangkok and neighbouring Thailand provinces spiked past safe levels on Thursday, prompting… Read More

Lahore measured 2nd most polluted city of world on AQI

LAHORE: Punjab’s capital city Lahore remains second from the top of the world’s most polluted… Read More

Air pollution cuts life expectancy by more than two years

Chronic air pollution cuts average global life expectancy by more than two years per person,… Read More

No mountain high enough: Study finds plastic in ‘clean’ air

From Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench, microplastics are everywhere – even high in the… Read More

Lahore again on top with worst air quality in world

LAHORE: Punjab has been badly hit by smog with Lahore on the top of the… Read More

Handful of cities driving urban greenhouse gas emissions: study

LONDON/MADRID: Just 25 big cities accounted for more than half of the climate-warming gases pumped… Read More

Karachi to remain among most polluted cities of world

AQI as high as 151-200 is considered unhealthy, while an AQI between 201 to 300… Read More

Pollution deaths in India rose to 1.67 million in 2019

Toxic air killed more people in India in 2019 than in 2017, The Lancet said… Read More

Electric buses to ply on Lahore roads

They will ply 103-kilometre long six routes Read More

Air pollution killed 500k newborns in 2019: global study

Air pollution killed 476,000 newborns in 2019, with the biggest hotspots in India and Sub-Saharan… Read More

Virus lockdown makes big dent in Paris air pollution: report

The lockdown has taken countless cars and delivery trucks off the roads since coming into… Read More

Air pollution ‘pandemic’ shortens lives by 3 years: study

A 'pandemic' of air pollution shortens lives worldwide by nearly three years on average, and… Read More

Indian ministries buy more air purifiers as capital battles toxic air

Six federal ministries - including the health, foreign and home affairs - bought at least… Read More

Air pollution tied to hospitalizations for wide range of illnesses

Older adults who are exposed to tiny particles in air pollution for just a day… Read More

India’s firecracker hub hit by anti-pollution drive

Their smoke combines with other emissions to turn the air of India's cities -- among… Read More

Toxic smog: the new normal in South Asia

People from cities across South Asia speak about living with the smog as air pollution… Read More

Air pollution kills 100,000 Indian kids every year, study finds

India has repeatedly failed to address environmental concerns. Last year a UN report found 14… Read More

Aamer Mehmood Kiani takes notice of air pollution in Islamabad

Aamer Mehmood Kiani said the effects of poor air quality were far reaching. Read More

Global shift to renewable energies can save millions of lives

The most significant contribution would be the rapid phasing out of fossil fuels, which is… Read More