This conference will connect space professionals, decision-makers, academicians, researchers and scientists as well as students of space sciences and technologies to showcase their achievements, share latest development in space technology and applications, and voice their opinions on important space and development issues in a highly interactive and cross-disciplinary environment.
The focus of the discussion will be on how emerging space-faring nations can effectively apply space-derived techniques and solutions to solve complex development issues. The conference will also look at existing international legal space regimes and the various domestic implementing mechanisms for countries to carry out their space-related activities.
Abstract submission is now open. We would welcome innovative research papers that shed light on the following thematic areas: Space Sciences, Space Technology, Space Applications, Space Law Policy & Regulatory Issues, and Space & Youth.
Selected papers will be presented at the conference and shall also be published.
For more information please visit the event webpage
We look forward to welcoming you to ICS-2016.
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