The King Khan of Bollywood met a group from prestigious Stanford university in Mumbai on Thursday 18th January. The students came to India to meet few successful public figures who have done well in their careers. The students had a list of celebrities to meet and SRK was on the top of their wish list.
Shah Rukh looked really excited during the meeting, he said meeting young students is a learning process and he learns a lot from them.
While addressing the students Shah Rukh said “Frailties or failures need to be celebrated. One should never fear them, but should learn from them. And you will only learn from them and not fear them when you have the feeling that you have nothing to lose. I always like to go back to that feeling.”.
When the 49-year-old superstar was asked about success and his IPL team he said that he only does business in the fields he is passionate about that is the reason that he makes films, he has KidZania and Indian Premiere League cricket franchise Kolkata Knight Riders.
The king of bollywood is currently shooting for his forthcoming flick ‘Fan’.