Singer Alamgir undergoes successful kidney surgery

Thank God, the pop singer is in good spirits and health. Via a Facebook post, Alamgir’s wife informed his fans through a status update on Facebook that he has underwent a successful kidney surgery.

Alamgir Alamgir Alamgir keeps his fans updated from his official Facebook account and had revealed last night that he was about to go under the knife.

in hospital now. surgery will start in an hr inshallah will talk to you after the surgery alamgir

Posted by Singer Alamgir on Wednesday, July 22, 2015

On May 3rd, Alamgir had posted a status on Facebook in which he had revealed all about his surgery and the causes for it:-

Friends and friends of friends:

I will be going through a major operation; both my kidneys will be taken out. WHY ? As you know I’m on dialysis.
Reason of failed kidneys : inherited from mother.
Name of disease: Polycystic Kidneys.
Both my kidneys enlarged so much that there is no space to put the 3rd kidney in ( normally in a kidney transplant a 3rd kidney is planted without taking any of the non-working kidneys out ) but in my case they will have to take my kidneys out as the first step (middle of June in USA). This itself is a major surgery. I would be in hospital for a week. Then bed-rest for 3 months. After that I could walk around in the house for couple of months. As everything heals InshAllah, I could start my normal daily life including 3 days a week dialysis. Then I would be placed back in the waiting list for transplant (top of the list).
You must be saying ” Why dont the surgeon do both at the same time, take the kidneys out and put the donor kidney in at the same time ” well I will not be able to resist such a long operation along with that long anaesthesia. Please remember me in your prayers.

Alamgir Alamgir

We wish Alamgir all the health and happiness in the world and hope that he makes a full recovery from his current predicament.

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