When news of Shahbaz Taseer’s return was flashed across the country, everyone was joyful and ecstatic. The Taseer family was enthralled till no end (as expected) by the news that Shahbaz had finally returned to his family. Kidnapped by militants almost four years ago, almost everyone thought him to be either dead or never to return.
However, soon after he returned, Salman Taseer’s son took to Twitter and indulged in a light-hearted conversation with his wife.
@MaheenTaseer my happy ending remained as tragic as it’s beginning without you #stillcheesy #lovemywife
— Shahbaz Taseer (@ShahbazTaseer) March 15, 2016
Just to be clear.. I never ate anything for 350 rps first meal was nehari #lahoriforlife #taseerforlife — Shahbaz Taseer (@ShahbazTaseer) March 14, 2016
His last tweet before being kidnapped poked fun at Imran Khan for having less followers than even footballer Rio Ferdinand.
@ImranKhanPTI i dont know how you feel about this but @rioferdy5 has more supporters than your party. #mustfeellikeshit
— Shahbaz Taseer (@ShahbazTaseer) August 20, 2011