Everyone’s anticipating Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s upcoming movie Dilwale to be a blockbuster. And why shouldn’t it be? With a stellar cast (the likes of Shah Rukh and Kajol themselves, accompanied by Kriti Sanon, Varun Dhawan, Boman Irani and Johnny Lever), the renowned Rohit Shetty is directing the movie. Fans still have to wait till December 18, 2015 to catch a glimpse of the movie. However, everyone got a dose of Gerua, the first music video to be released from the movie.
Well, now you can also see the behind-the-scenes video of the song and how Kajol, Shah Rukh and Rohit Shetty were able to shoot the complete song. From braving chills to climbing mountains and dancing in front of rainbows, here’s how they did it all in the freezing temperature of Iceland:-
Making of Gerua _ Kajol, Shah Rukh Khan… by SRKGalaxy
The BTS video will certainly spike the hype surrounding the movie’s release. Are you also excited for Dilwale’s release?
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