MOSCOW: Russia has floated out the first modernised Project 955A strategic nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, the Prince Vladimir, in the latest effort to dominate the oceans.
Russian news agency TASS reported that the nuclear website was launched during a float out ceremony at the Sevmash Shipyards in Severodvinsk in northern Russia on November 17.
The ceremony was attended by Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Korolyov and Head of the Rubin Central Design Bureau (the Borei Project developer) Igor Vilnit. Sevmash CEO Mikhail Budnichenko gave the traditional command to send the submarine down the launching slipway into the water.
“The development and the construction of the series of Project Borei-A strategic missile-carrying underwater cruisers and the eventual development of Project Borei-B submarines with the subsequent construction of fifth-generation nuclear-powered subs are prompted by the provisions of Russia’s naval doctrine and aimed at fulfilling the task of maintaining the armament and equipment of the groupings of strategic submarines in the Pacific and Northern Fleets at a high level,” the Navy chief said.
The strategic missile-carrying nuclear-powered submarine Prince Vladimir was laid down in 2012. It will become the fourth sub in the series of eight Borei submarines and the first representative of the improved Project Borei-A.
Navy Deputy Commander-in-Chief Viktor Bursuk said that the submarine Prince Vladimir was expected to be delivered to the Navy in 2018.
Russia Navy has received its deliversy of three Borei-class submarines. Russia laid down two submarines, Prince Oleg and the Generalissimus Suvorov, in 2014, the Emperor Alexander III in 2015 and the Prince Pozharsky in 2016.
Each such submarine carries 16 Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are capable of levelling cities up to 5,778 miles away. The Borei-A sub has the ability to dive to about 400 metres, making it hard to detect by sonar.
Russia now plans to build a total of eight of the super subs by 2025.
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