According to Rangers Spokesperson, Sindh Rangers carried out a raid in the city’s Korangi area and arrested a target killer Arshad alias Asad Chotu. The suspect was a member of the militant wing’s target killing team. The Rangers spokesperson also confirmed that during the course of interrogation, suspect confessed his involvement in criminal activities such as murder and extortion.
Rangers had arrested the previous day a suspect by the name of Naeem Khan from Defence, who used to give weapons from a security company for rent. Rangers spokesperson also disclosed that the suspect has been taken into custody for 90 days from the court.
In the city’s areas of Ramswami and Kharadar, Rangers arrested three suspects, including a target killer and also recovered weapons from them. Arrested target killers belonged to the militant wing.
In another activity, Rangers raided several areas of the city such as Quaidabad, Ishaq Jokhio Goth and Soldier Bazaar. Four suspects, including a robber and extortionist were also arrested during the raid. As per the Rangers spokesperson, weapons were also seized during this raid.
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