According to a source close to the actor, the Bombay Velvet star coughed up a serious amount of cash–Rs 21 crore–as security deposit for the flat him and actress Katrina Kaif were living in together. However, after the two broke up a couple of days ago, Ranbir Kapoor moved out of the apartment. Now, sources close to the actor are claiming there’s a good chance he loses the Rs 21 crore he had put up for the lavish house!
“Ranbir’s break-up is going to cost him financially. He will lose about Rs 21 crore after moving out from the house he shared with Katrina,” said the source.
The couple had reportedly put up an amount of Rs 21 crore as security deposit, while the two lovebirds also contributed an expensive Rs 15 lakh per month as rent. Reports also suggest the couple had spent an exorbitant amount of money on decorating the house, with both collecting artifacts and souvenirs from around the world, as decoration items.
Post his break-up, Ranbir Kapoor has moved to his home in Wilson Apartments on Hill Road, in the second week of January. He also threw a small party for close family and friends where Katrina’s absence was noticed.