It was a Tamasha indeed. Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor and actress Deepika Padukone both broke down and cried on the last day of the shoot for Imtiaz Ali’s upcoming flick Tamasha.
Actors and their crew always get close to each other during filming. However, according to a source, this was particularly strange as both Ranbir and Deepika broke down and shed tears on the last day of the shooting. “It was the last day of our shoot and the final days do tend to get emotional for the whole unit. But this was something else altogether. Both Ranbir and Deepika broke down. We were all taken aback, since these two are not known to be demonstrative of their emotions.”
However, Ranbir Kapoor downplayed the situation and commented on it as always:-
“I don’t think we got emotional the way it
was written. For me, it was my second film with Imtiaz, my second film with Sajid bhai and my third film with Deepika. So, I was very overwhelmed because this film finished very fast. We never felt the duration of this film.”However, according to another source, things really got awkward on set for everybody when Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif, Ranbir’s current girlfriend, showed up on set, as a surprise visit! According to the same source, Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone did not say one word to each other the entire time!
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone used to date each other before the couple split up. Ranbir Kapoor is currently dating Katrina Kaif whilst Deepika is in a relationship with actor Ranveer Singh.
Tamasha is all set to be released in November of this year and is bound to be a romantic movie.
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