Pyare Afzal- the tragedy

I did not know ‘Pyare Afzal’ was this popular until I saw my news-feed swamping with mourning statuses after the speech by prime-minister last night. No one however, I daresay, needed anything to do with Mian Sahab when Afzal was the vox-pop of town then.

Looking at the flood of those lamentations, I found myself standing in the pair of those ‘ignorant shoes’ again that I had promised myself I won’t step into after getting gaped at by people asking me how did I like ‘hamsafar’ or ‘zindagi gulzar he’ (drat I missed another one!). But then I rushed to my sister for help and had her reel off a quick version of story (the time efficient version of entertainment) before I got asked again of my stance over the tragedy. And now, I’m ALL ready!

Thinking about the unfortunate address by prime-minister though, I couldn’t help but pity the lack of ‘show-biz’ sense of his advisory committee for not having suggested against this time for an important address. I am most certain Afzal swiped ‘prime-time’ right out of prime-minister’s liar to an effect maybe of him not even noticing it, yesterday night.

Far as this national tragedy of Afzal’s demise is concerned

(I’m sure Mian Sahab would be the only person not grieving for the loss- more for his recently acquired personal grudge), I fear if all female mourners would get a shoulder for crying- by which, I’m not suggesting any usual-consortial-indifference regarding such crucial issues, cause males, well, (I’m going to say it real quick) ‘they care too’.

For the majority however of non-married mourners, there might be no solace other than chanting about how great a man Afzal was (and pyara like they dubbed him themselves) and how great hopes did they have associated to the departed soul- as they talk amongst themselves and inundate Facebook and Twitter with their laments. The thought of man but being mortal is all that might comfort them.

This loss though is immense but I hope our ladies will find the courage of excusing Khalil-ur-Rahman Qamar  now after having said enough about how his pen is drenching in the blood of their national hero. And I also wonder how the director missed myriads of those comics posted before the last episode was aired, with threats saying, ‘the director is so dead if Afzal died tomorrow’.

I’m really sorry about you Mr. Director now.


Amber Batool.


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