Priyanka Chopra has recently been praised and adorned in the Indian media beyond doubt,owing to her stellar success. The actress notched the Peoples Choice Award for Favourite Actress, making history by being the first South Asian actress to do so. However, that does not mean she can get away with whatever she wants. The actress was asked about a diamond ring on her finger, to which she confidently replied:-
“I buy my own diamonds. When a guy comes into my life it will not be for diamonds,A guy will be in my life only when I am in love. I don’t need a guy for anything else except for children,” she said.
During the explosive interview, Chopra also hinted about being in a relationship by saying she never said she was single.
“Who says I don’t have a partner? I might not be with him because I am travelling. All my life I have never commented on whether I am in a relationship or not,” she said.
After an uproar was caused on micro-blogging site Twitter, Priyanka Chopra also tweeted a clarification:-
Wow what is all this man hating what I said being converted into. Pls guys give a little credit.U shouldn’t need a man.U should want a man.
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) January 27, 2016
Needless to say, some people did not find her statement about men and babies welcoming on Twitter. Here are a few reactionary tweets:-
“I dont need a guy for anyghing else apart from children”-#PriyankaChopra. “I only need women to bear children” – logical response to BS — Kartik Dhar (@KartikDhar) January 28, 2016
I Don’t need a Man for Anything but for Children ! #PriyankaChopra That’s how women should stand
— AflaToOn~.~ (@Bearded_01) January 27, 2016
These words are coming from a former miss world. Very poor choice of words! @priyankachopra #PriyankaChopra — Aashray Sharma (@amazingaashray) January 27, 2016
#PriyankaChopra says she doesn’t need a man for anything other than to reproduce. “Misandrist”
— Deepak Jain (@1981_jain) January 27, 2016
#PriyankaChopra doesn’t need a guy cos, She Has #pitbull — TrackingTruth (@TrackingTruth) January 27, 2016