In a shocking incident in India, a 32-year-old patient, Pradeep Pandey, was reported dead after the doctors injected juice via a drip instead of platelets, Indian media reported.
Pradeep was admitted to the Global Hospital and Trauma Centre on October 17 due to dengue. Hospital officials reportedly gave a bag of mosambi juice to the patient’s relatives marked as ‘plasma’.
Later, the patient was shifted to another private hospital where he died.
Family members told the press that medics at the second clinic informed them that the ‘platelet’ bag was fake and a mix of chemicals and sweet lime or mousambi juice.
The hospital where the incident occurred has been sealed, and the deceased patient’s family has demanded strict action against the hospital staff.
The hospital in question has refuted the allegations, saying the platelets were procured by the relatives of the patients themselves.
Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak has ordered a probe into the incident.
Also Read: COVID-19: Ivermectin fails, convalescent plasma succeeds
“Taking cognisance of the viral video at the hospital where a dengue patient was transfused with sweet lemon juice instead of platelets, on my directive the hospital was sealed and the platelet packets have been sent for testing. If found guilty, strict action will be taken against the hospital,” Deputy CM Pathak tweeted.
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