A mermaid or a fish? J.K. Rowling sees none, what do you see?

Optical illusions never get old, and always manage to leave netizens intrigued to test one, British author J.K. Rowling observed one as well to test whether she is ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’.

A popular illusory picture doing rounds on the internet, supposedly tells which side of the brain is in domination depending on whether the observer can spot a ‘fish’ or a ‘mermaid’ in it.

“If you’re right-brained, you’ll see a fish, If you’re left-brained, you’ll see a mermaid” in the following picture.

However, the famed author J.K. Rowling, popular for the fantasy novel series ‘Harry Potter’ sees none of the two, but ‘a donkey’ in the illustration and we do agree. Sharing her dismay on the micro-blogging site, Rowling wrote “It’s a donkey, though.”

On the other hand, the ‘Sherlock’ actor Amanda Abbington was surprised to see ‘a seal’ in the viral picture.

American presenter David Baddiel also chimed in the brain debate, sharing his take to see a ‘badly tied bin liner’ in the illusion, however later agreed with many to see a ‘donkey’.

A number of netizens shared their shot on the viral illusion as well. While many took the idea of Amanda to see a seal in the picture, others mentioned spotting both ‘donkey’ and ‘seal’, but definitely not ‘mermaid’ and ‘fish’.

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