Metal Mickey: mouse that cleans up shelf in house where it lives

mouse, rat, metal mickey,mouse, rat, metal mickey,

A Briton was freaked out when he found the nuts and bolts, plastic clips and other items he left lying on a shelf in his garden shed inside a box, where he hadn’t placed them.

It wasn’t a one-off incident so when it happened again, he thought he was hallucinating. Then he thought it was a ghost.

The man, Stephen McKears who lives near Bristol, finally thought to install cameras to resolve the mystery and what the cameras recorded was enough to astonish everyone.

He found that a rat was putting everything that he left lying around in the box, tidying up space for him.

Talking to a British newspaper, the 72-year-old citizen said that one day he found a screw in the peanut box. He had kept the peanuts for the birds so removed the screw from the box but next day, he found even more in there.

And it continued in coming days so he installed a night-vision camera to find out what was happening. To his relief, it wasn’t a ghost. But to his astonishment, it was a rat which was doing all the clean up work.

McKears’ neighbour Rodney Holbrook, 70, who helped him install the camera has named the rodent ‘Metal Mickey’ for his obsession with cleaning the metallic stuff.

People on the internet loved the helpful mouse. Some joked that it was a ghost mouse and wondered where they could find another one like it.

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