Here is why Kate Middleton keeps a lunch box in her car

LONDON: The Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, likes to take one particular item with her while traveling by car to an official event, a lunch box, weekly magazine HELLO reported.  

According to HELLO, Middleton loves to travel with a small plastic container to carry her snacks when she gets hungry.

It is reported that she never travels without a snack packed in tupperware. She is not the only royal who likes to request an item for their “rider”.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth likes to travel with a blanket because she’s a sensible sort, but other than that, they seem to be a pretty tidy lot when in transit.

The Duchess of Sussex prefers to travel with Hildon natural mineral water in still and sparkling – Hildon having a royal warrant, obviously.

The Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, has something of a sweet tooth, and has been seen to take packet of Murray Mints on visits with her, as well as a bottle of water.



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