You can send messages to many people on WhatsApp sans creating a group

Sometimes you need to send a message to multiple people via WhatsApp. If these people are not part of one group, you will have to send message once and then forward it to more until you have not sent it to the number of people you want.

WhatsApp’s broadcast feature offers an easier solution as it allows users to send message to different people without creating a group. The broadcast list feature enables users to send a message to several contacts at once.

Broadcast lists are saved lists of message recipients that users can use to repeatedly send messages to without having to select them each time. The feature also saves them the hassle of creating unnecessary groups.

You can message up to 256 people using a Broadcast list.

How to create a broadcast list

  • Go to WhatsApp
  • Tap on the top right ‘more options’ button. It is the one with three dots aligned vertically
  • Select New Broadcast
  • Search for or select the contacts you want to add
  • Tap the check mark.

You can also edit a broadcast list. Here’s how

  • Open your existing broadcast list
  • Now tap on the three-dot menu and select Broadcast list info
  • In the broadcast list info screen you can:a. Change the name of your broadcast list by tapping Edit. b. Add recipients to the list by tapping Add recipient… c. Remove recipients by tapping Edit recipients > “x” next to the contacts you want to remove > check mark.
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