Renowned Pakistani actor Maya Ali has announced to help the poor people by distributing ration bags among them during the lockdown to combat the coronavirus outbreak.
The Parey Hut Love actress took to Instagram to share that she has collaborated with designer Faiza Saqlain and her husband for this initiative.
“This is the first batch of ration bags which has just arrived. It’s the right time when we should play our own part and shouldn’t wait for others to come and save people. It is a very crucial time and we should become one as a nation and stick together,” she wrote.
The starlet added she is glad that God has given her the opportunity to help those in need at a time like this.
Maya Ali expressed gratitude to everyone who donated for the cause: “I am truly thankful to each and every single individual who donated and played their part even from outside Pakistan.”
“We have no idea how long this will go on, but we have to stand together for those in need and are less fortunate. Insha ALLAH this all will end soon but until then we have to continue doing this,” she added.
Maya Ali further shared details for anyone who wants to donate and said she will make sure their donation reaches the deserving people.
She attached a list of items a ration bag which costs Rs 5000 contains. She concluded by urging people to make ration bags on their own if they don’t want to donate money but most importantly help those in need amid the crisis.
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