A great way for celebrities to interact and engage with fans are social media question and answer sessions. And, Mansha Pasha decided to do her first Q & A session on Instagram since engagement to activist Jibran Nasir.
Mansha’s interaction with fans revealed a few secrets about her fiance which we didn’t know. When asked what’s the one thing about Jibran that public doesn’t know, she said “he cooks excellent biryani.”
On how did she meet him, the starlet’s response was “He [Jibran Nasir] tells this story better than me.” We also learnt that the activist is “quite funny and cheeky when he is in the mood.”
A user even went onto ask how much Mansha loves her fiance. To this, she replied “Lol very much! He’s quite wonderful.”
The Surkh Chandni actor thanked fans and well wishers for showering the couple with love post-engagement. Mansha Pasha shared that she is not sure about her marriage timeline as everyone needs to figure out their schedules.
Mansha also shed light on serious topics including Kashmir, abuse and mental health. When inquired by a user about her new year resolution, she revealed she doesn’t have “a new year resolution yet but have a wish for peace in Kashmir region.”
On abusive relationships, her advise is that there shouldn’t be any room for toxic people in your life. “I would say emotional, physical or mental abuse is wrong and you wouldn’t want to spend your life with someone like that. Your future self will thank you for leaving.”
Mansha Pasha talked about the importance of mental health and suggested consulting a professional for it. “There’s no one way to do it but seeking help from a professional is essential. Anyone going through depression please visit a psychologist or therapist. You are not alone!” she said.
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