Man fakes his kidnapping to skip work

fake kidnapping, excuse, skip work,fake kidnapping, excuse, skip work,

A man gave a shocking excuse to skip work after he faked his kidnapping, however, his stunt did not last long as the police arrested him under false reporting charges.

It happened in the United States, where 19-year-old Brandon Soules faked his kidnapping in order to skip work.

He was later arrested from the Coolidge, a city in the US state of Arizona, by the police on charges of false reporting. Brandon accepted that he made up the story as he was trying to get out of work.

According to details, on February 10, Soules was found by the local police with his hands tied and mouth stuffed with a cloth. After being ‘rescued’ by the police, the teenager claimed two men tied him and hit him, which led him to become unconscious.

Further making up the story, he said that the two men drove him in a car and dropped him in the area where the police found him.

Read More: Woman fakes abduction on TikTok, gets killed during shoot

The police, however, later found during the investigations that the entire episode was fake and was orchestrated by him single-handedly.

Brandon’s plan to escape work has now landed him in jail and seems like he will be spending considerable time away from work due to the charges of false reporting against him.

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