Malik urges Altaf to withdraw his decision

In his exclusive talk with ARY News, Rehman Malik expressed grief over the killing of MQM activist and said that no society in the world permits extra-judicial killing of a person.

He said that the CM Sindh, Qaim Ali Shah has announced to constitute a judicial commission and assured that the commission will hold a thorough probe into the killing of Sohail Ahmed.

The former interior minister stressed on the need to make sure whether a third force is involved in worsening the circumstances in Sindh.

He added that target-killing is a serious issue in Karachi, which needs to be resolved at all cost.

Malik said that the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is arriving in Karachi on Friday and it is hoped that he will make some important decisions during his visit here.

Earlier to this, Rehman Malik called on the Governor Sindh, Dr Ishratul Ebad and conveyed him the message by PPP co-chairman, Asif Ali Zardari.

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