One of the finest Bollywood actresses, Madhuri Dixit, with her hubby Sriram Nene recently launched their production house. The couple announced their first venture will be a Marathi film.
Talking about her production house, the actress said, “My movie career is far from Ram (husband) and my production house RnM. That’s my area of expertise and the decisions are made by me. His management is restricted to our production house. Dance With Madhuri is our big project together and this is where Ram takes care of the technology and I take care of the artistic side. I go to our office for a few hours as all decisions are made there.”
It is reported that Ms Dixit’s husband collaborated with her on all her endeavours, and whether the couple will appear on-screen together in any of their future projects is yet to be seen. However, he has already featured with Madhuri in an ad.
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