According to media reports, Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pervez Khattak made the statement while chairing a meeting in Peshawar. One of the two flyovers will reportedly be built in Peshawar city and the other in Hayatabad suburb.
Khattak stated that the KP government had planned to launch a bus service for the people of Peshawar.
He has issued directives that the projects should be completed in such way without causing any hassle for the citizens.
KP government will also be constructing a cadet college for females in Mardan and a team has been prepared for selecting an area for the constuction of the education centre.
The chief minister has also issued directions to the concerned authorities to repair and widen Bara Road. He said that Dalazak Road should be surveyed and a plan will be prepared for its beautification.