Khadija Siddiqui, a student at a private law college was attacked on May 3rd, 2016 in broad daylight on Lahore’s Davis Road when she had gone to pick her younger sister from school.
The sisters were about to get into the car when Shah Hussain, attacked Khadija with a knife, stabbing her 23 times. Her sister also got injured in the attack.
Miraculously, Khadija was saved by her driver who took control of the attacker forcing Shah to flee from the scene. Consequently, Khadija got around 60 stitches on her neck.
Deciding to lodge a complaint against the perpetrator Khadija fought over a year of strenuous battle which brought her to an unprecedented victory.
“Today a millstone has been achieved. This was a very big test for me; for my faith. Respect and disrespect is in the hands of Allah as matters of life and death are, thankfully.”
“I don’t have enmity with anyone. I wanted justice for the attack, for those 23 stabs. Allah has granted me life that’s enough for me. I am thankful that the case reached its logical conclusion.”
Khadija’s long struggle is a symbol of bravery, courage and determination.
Hussain’s father, an influential lawyer, used his connections to coerce the complainant into withdrawing the case. But fighting against all odds, she stood her ground fighting for what’s right. Hussain was arrested from the court room
“Alhumdulillah I am very happy how the judiciary, prosecution and media has supported us”
Khadija, as she promised, proved to be an inspiration for millions of girls around Pakistan
“I want to be the voice of all Pakistani girls so in the future some can look up to me and say, “Because of you, I did not give up.”
More power to Khadija!