John Abraham, the Bollywood actor, has recently shifted his focus towards action entertainers after tasting success in his latest film “Pathaan” and might even drop out of the Akshay Kumar-led “Awara Pagal Deewana 2”.
The actor’s performance in the film was highly appreciated and there are now speculations about a spin-off movie featuring his character “Jim”.
This success has caused a major shift in John’s career choices, with reports stating that he has backed out of Sajid Khan’s comedy film “100%” and might even drop out of the Akshay Kumar-led “Awara Pagal Deewana 2”.
According to sources, John was looking to diversify his lineup with comedy and masala entertainers too. In fact, he had signed on for “100%” and was in advanced talks for “Awara Pagal Deewana 2”, but the success of “Pathaan” has changed his perspective.
The report further states that the conversations of “Awara Pagal Deewana 2” have taken a back seat with the makers already exploring other options.
John Abraham is now looking to focus on serious acting roles and has already discussed the possibility of a spin-off to his character “Jim” from “Pathaan”. The hunt is on, and we would have an update on a film or two from John in a month’s time in this space.
It’s also a work in progress for a spin-off to his character of Jim and mostly, the film will go into production in the next two years. Yash Raj Films and John have discussed this idea and believe the character has enough potential to blow big.
It’s a big step taken by John Abraham and his fans are eagerly waiting to see how he proceeds in his career from here on.
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