Jared Leto set to reprise his role as Joker in Snyder Cut

jared letojared leto

DC Comics fans are in for another awakening of Jared Leto’s Joker as the actor is set to return to the role in Zac Snyder’s much-awaited version of Justice League, confirmed Variety.

While it isn’t clear yet if Leto was always meant to be a part of Snyder’s Justice League before he chose to leave the project, the eccentric actor will be joining the rest of the Justice League cast this week for additional photography. According to Variety, it could be possible that Leto’s part was written in later for the upcoming, four-hour-long Snyder Cut, which will premiere on HBO Max in 2021.

Snyder had chosen to hand over the reins of the project to Joss Whedon in early 2017 who put his own spin on the final feature.

For fans of Justice League 

and Suicide Squad, this could mean an interlinking and/or unpacking of several storylines. Snyder’s 2016 outing for the Justice League series, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, featured a reference to the Batman comic storyline in which the Joker kills Robin, and which could be revisited with Leto’s Joker.

The opportunity is a welcome one for Leto himself, who had earlier expressed his desire to revisit the role. “I would definitely play the Joker again. It all depends on the script and the circumstances, as it always does,” he said in 2019.

It’s pertinent to remember that Leto’s take on Batman’s arch-nemesis was not generally well-received in 2016’s Suicide Squad alongside Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. He also did not appear in Birds of Prey in which Robbie reprised her role.

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