Even better, the project is going to be directed by Rohit Shetty. Shahrukh and Rohit previously had a nice run when their last collaboration, Chennai Express. The film will be rpoduced by Red Chillies and it was revealed that Kajol has been selected to play the female lead opposite Shahrukh. Whilst hosting the show India Poochega-Sabese Shaana Kaun, a couple of days ago, Shahrukh hinted at Kajol’s inclusion into the new film.
“I would like to reserve the grand announcement if Kajol is in the film. All I can say for now is that it will be a Red Chillies film directed by Rohit Shetty. We will finalize the cast and make a final announcement in the next 10 days,” he stated. Bollywood’s most popular Khan also didn’t shy away from doling out more details regarding the film and stated that the only thing being hidden currently was the title of the movie. “The only thing we are keeping under the wraps is the title of the film, which will have 17 actors in all,” said Khan. “Till everyone has signed on the dotted
line yet, it’s not prudent to talk about the casting. I am old-school that way, maybe. I believe in documents and the paperwork to happen first. It needs to be signed first before we can talk about it. We should not announce it just because we had a talk about it with certain people and are keen to have them on board.Shahrukh Khan and Kajol were a sensational couple back in the 90’s Their most celebrated and admired collaboration till date is Dil Wale Dulhania Lejayenge. The film broke all records for being displayed at Marathi Mandir cinema for a consecutive 1009 weeks after which it was suggested to be taken down. The decision was reversed and the movie is still being played in the theatre.
Another much admired movie in which Shahrukh and Kajol lit up the screens, was Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. The film also starred Salman Khan and was very, very well received. Shahrukh and Kajol’s recent match will be appreciated by the audience to a great deal.
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