The sequel named “Mujhay Dushman Ke Bachon Ko Parhana Hai” was released by ISPR to mark the first anniversary of the heinous attack on Peshawar’s Army Public School.
In the video, children from Army Public School are demonstrated as strong-willed and brave pupils who are determined to defeat terrorism. They are seen boarding buses and doing their every bit to seek education from the same institution which was attacked by TTP heathens last year.
The video as well as the song, has a powerful message regarding the tragic event.
Taliban Pakistan militants stormed APS on December 16, 2014 and killed 152 people mostly schoolchildren.
DG ISPR, in his tweet on Saturday, had stated that 3400 terrorists have been neutralized in the 18 months of the operation.
Bara Dushman Bana Phirta Hai is still one of the most heard songs today by the nation.