India cannot suppress Kashmiris’ struggle by cluster bombs: Dr. Firdous

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan here on Saturday said that India cannot suppress the indigenous movement of Kashmiri people through atrocities and use of cluster bombs, ARY News reported.

In a video message, Dr. Firdous condemned the blatant use of cluster bombs by Indian forces targeting innocent civilians along the line of control.

She said that India was clearly violating international laws by attacking civilian population and added that it had proved itself as a big hurdle in the path of peace.

The special assistant termed United States President Donald Trump’s reiteration to mediate on Kashmir issue the victory of Kashmiri people’s narrative of right to self-determination.

Read More: India resorts to using cluster ‘toy’ bombs on LoC, targeting children

Earlier in the day, cluster ‘toy’ bombs had been recovered from the Line of Control (LoC) which were put there for nefarious purposes.

According to details, the toy bombs were placed in the peripheries of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir area of Pakistan, near the working boundary of the two countries.

The Director-General (DG) Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor taking to the micro-blogging website twitter had said “Use of cluster bombs by Indian Army violating international conventions is condemnable. No weapon can suppress determination of Kashmiris to get their right of self-determination. Kashmir runs in the blood of every Pakistani. Indigenous freedom struggle of Kashmiris shall succeed.”

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