According to details, Imran Khan’s lawyers had submitted a reply in return of Iftikhar Chaudhry’s defamation notice to the PTI chief to pay a fine of Rs 20 billion or to apologize publicly for damaging his repute by leveling unjust rigging allegations.
The reply filed by the lawyers of Imran Khan contained some points which praised the former CJ and conveyed a confession that the PTI chief could not pick appropriate words.
After severe criticism on his reply, Imran Khan said his lawyers had responded to the notice, without consulting him.
On the other hand, counsels of the former CJ said that there is no law under which a reply could be withdrawn by a person.
“Imran Khan not only expressed mistrust on his lawyers, while this can also be regarded as lawyers’ misconduct, if the reply was filed without consultation with their client” added Iftikhar Chaudhry’s counsels.