I will work as per law, constitution: Arif Alvi

ISLAMABAD: In his maiden speech as the president-elect, Arif Alvi on Tuesday said he would work according to the law and the constitution, ARY News reported.

Talking to media in Islamabad, he thanked God, the ally parties and Prime Minister Imran Khan for electing him as the president.

“I will strive to make sure that every poor has a shelter, bread and cloth. Unemployed will be provided employment and health facilities,” he said, setting his target as the president.

He said he was a president of whole the nation and every party of the country, not just of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

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Arif Alvi said his getting elected as the president was a result of PTI activists’ struggle. “I am thankful to Imran for giving me such a big responsibility.”

To a query, he said there was a difference between security and protocol. “Security is essential, while protocol should be as minimum as possible.”

The two chambers of the Parliament – National Assembly and Senate – and four provincial assemblies elected PTI’s Arif Alvi as 13th president of Pakistan with a sizable majority.

Dr. Arif ur Rehman Alvi is a founding member and former secretary general of the PTI. He was born on 29th August 1949.

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