‘House of the Dragon’: ‘We Light The Way’ leaves GOT fans on the edge

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The first season of the Game Of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon is halfway through. The fifth episode We Light The Way continues to make the show engaging with so many events that happened in it. 

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Frankly speaking, King Viserys Targaryen is one of the most easily influenced characters in the A Song of Ice and Fire franchise. He keeps asking his servants and counsel whether he is remembered as a good king. It is the sign of a weak ruler. A king who has no confidence in dealing with matters is alarming for not only himself but his family or the kingdom.

Moreover, Viserys does not see things when being in others’ shoes. He already dismissed his hand Ser Otto Hightower for just informing him the truth about his daughter Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. He is being manipulated by his daughter, who denied her crime and blamed her father’s trusted counsel.

Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen is not the protagonist everyone is thinking of. She is a reminder of her descendant Daenerys Targaryen. A liar, fraud and hypocrite.

The king has become very much like Lord Eddard Stark who got killed for being too naive. The warden of the north did not see what was coming and everything was done and dusted.

Speaking of Otto Hightower, he is thought of as a villain but is telling the truth. He is trying to tell the truth to the ruler about his daughter’s mischief which will affect the politics and the family reputation too.

His notion of telling the truth no matter how hard it is true is absolutely true. We should follow his path and believe our instinct even if we face repercussions.

Moreover, he is also predicting that Prince Aegon Targaryen will go head-to-head against Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen which will ultimately happen. He gives Lord Tywin Lannister vibes as he speaks and thinks like the House Lannister’s patriarch.

We love how Queen Alicent

HighTower is becoming a force to be reckoned with. The one redeeming quality about Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen’s best friend turned stepmother is playing her cards and is the main player of the Game Of Thrones.

Alicent took a stand after her own inquiry and is making a decision about the truths. She knows that bad things are happening and she has to take control of the situation.

The wedding of Ser Laenor Velaryon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen was the centre point of the episode. The matrimonies in Game Of Thrones are not an happy affair and the same thing happened there.

Related – ‘House of the Dragon’: Young and old Rhaenyra, Alicent never talked on sets – here’s why

Although nothing beats The Red Wedding in the franchise, the buildup to the chaos in the matrimony was great. The simultaneous political discussion, dancing and music added charm to the episode.

The producers showed that the Velaryons feared the conditions set for the marriage may backfire on the political alliance and their children’s future. It remains to be seen how that dynamics turn out.

Amidst everything happening during the matrimony, Prince Daemon Targayen keeps charming the audience with his calculative nature and methods to achieve his motives. It makes him a special character.

The sixth episode The Princess and the Queen will be based many years after the events in the fifth episode. We will see new actors playing adult versions of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Queen Alicent Hightower and how their personalities clash.

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