House of the Dragon: Chaos is a ladder

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“Chaos is a ladder”. These were the words of Petyr Baelish, the Lord of the Vale, in Game of Thrones. The second episode of its prequel House of the Dragon shows people doing silly and rash things that may have repercussions of their decisions.

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The second episode of House of the Dragon, based on the novel Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin in A Song of Ice and Fire book series, concentrated more on family issues and how it affects their relationship and politics.

King Viserys Targaryen continues to be a lame duck ruler in the show and is making enemies from all sides. His politics is quite similar to Robb Stark in Game of Thrones. He is continuously stupid mistakes.

The king has to deal with families who have set their sights on becoming the heir. It is making the ruler confused and manipulated. He makes one promises while a different one to the other.

If a person is facing troubles or assuming what will be the repercussions of their decisions, it’s better to talk about it with family and friends especially when it comes to grieving over the death of a loved one.

The lack of communication is the worst. It is happening with House Targaryen. A person should listen to family members and political counselors and do what they think is the best for everyone. Viserys Targaryen has not spoken with his daughter Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen even after the death of his wife.

However, the worst thing in the Game of Thrones franchise is breaking promises and oaths. King Viserys is following the path of Robb Stark who got his mother, wife and unborn child killed as he broke the marriage vow he made to Lord Walder Frey.

She was named heir of the king. However, she cannot sit at the counsel table and give her view as she is a woman. She has power but still without it.

The princess is looking at others for help but is not getting any. Of course, when power and self-interest is involved, who would be sincere in helping her?

The momentum is pretty much tame in the second episode and it wants the audience wants to focus on the family relationship and how they feel about the ongoing situation. It makes it more engaging and keeping the viewers hooked to the storylines.

The characters continue to get more complex and interesting. It shows how they feel about each other. They still have a spark even after locking horns over different matters.

Related – House of the Dragon: Game of Thrones prequel premiere is nostalgic guide

The intro of the show is all about nostalgia as it lives up to “blood” theme. However, it confuses those who have not read Fire and Blood or know about The Dance of Dragons that is about the Targaryen civil war.

Overall, the second episode of the Game of Thrones prequel is intriguing as it reminds some of the events in the eight-episode show.

The trailer of the third episode showed a battle scene. An action-packed confrontation is expected.

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