Here’s what Apple boss Tim Cook told staff after Trump’s victory

Donald Trump’s shock election win has surprised many across the globe but it’s now a reality that many are still struggling to concede.

In this connection, Apple chief executive Tim Cook has written to staff to reassure them about the outcome.

Cook celebrated diversity, as well as the differing political views among its 76,000 employees in the US, according to a memo obtained by Buzzfeed.

The boss of the biggest tech company in the world urged people to move forward and “move forward together”, quoting Martin Luther King while assuring them that Apple’s priorities have not changed.

Here’s what he told his staff:

“Our products connect people everywhere, and they provide the tools for our customers to do great things to improve their lives and the world at large.

Our company is open to all, and we celebrate the diversity of our team here in the United States and around the world – regardless of what they look like, where they come from, how they worship or who they love.”

Trump was a vocal critic of the company during campaigning, calling for a boycott of the brand after it said it would not give the FBI access to the iPhone of the San Bernadino shooter.

The President elect also slammed the company for manufacturing the iPhone in China and said he would force it to return the work to the US.

“We’re going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries,” he said in January.


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