ODISHA: In a bizarre incident, a groom called off his wedding at the last moments after the bride’s family failed to serve the baraatis with mutton curry and later married another woman of the area before returning home in Odisha state of India.
According to the details Ramakant Patra, 27, was upset after the bride’s family failed to serve his kin with mutton curry on the wedding day. The incident took place on Wednesday afternoon when the groom and baaratis arrived at the Bandhagaon village in Sukinda block and were taken to the dining hall for lunch.
The baraatis entered into an argument with the bride’s family after they did not find mutton curry on the tables as the bride’s family was unable to afford the dish.
When the groom came to know that mutton had not been cooked for the wedding party, he called off the marriage, Indian media reported.
However, the bride’s family tried to plead and persuade, but he remained adamant. The wedding party then left the bride’s house. Next day, he married another woman the same night before returning to home.