Graphic designer arrested for leaking movie climax scene online

NEW DELHI: A graphic designer associated with a production house was arrested on charges of leaking a nine-minute long war sequence, which is apparently part of the film’s climax and features lead stars Prabhas and Anushka Shetty, on the internet.

The second part of the epic series – Baahubali – has created a buzz on an unprecedented scale as the first part ended on a cliffhanger. However, the worst nightmare of the filmmakers had come true. A nine-minute video clip of the film was leaked online.

According to Indian Express, the first part ended on a cliffhanger, the plot details of the sequel have been kept heavily-guarded. Until now, the leak has now found its way on Torrent sites.


A still from the movie.

The filmmakers jumped to contain the shocking leak and a complaint was filed with the Hyderabad police who promptly identified and arrested the culprit Krishna Dayanand Chowdary, a trainee graphics designer working at Annapurna studios, the company doing the film’s animation.

Shobu Yarlagadda of Arka Mediaworks, the producer of the film, tweeted: “It is very unfortunate that a small unfinished video clip of @BaahubaliMovie was leaked online yesterday. The person responsible for the leak was identified with the help of security features in place and was arrested late last night by police and handed over to cyber crime.”

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