Five Simple Drinks That Aid Weight Loss

However, there are some types of drinks that will speed up the fat burning and help you lose weight quicker than you normally would, and here you will find 5 of the most simple ones


Drinking a couple of glasses of water before a meal can make you feel full quicker. Whilst the ’8 glasses of water’ is daft (how big are these glasses!?), it’s important to keep your body hydrated. Drinking ice-cold water can even make your body burn around an extra 60 calories a day as it takes your body more energy to heat the water up once it’s in your system. Neat, eh!

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the best teas around to help with weight loss. It’s packed with antioxidants that promotes good cell health but also contains catechins which helps to regulate blood sugar levels, thus preventing hunger spikes throughout the day.

Used longer term, it can also inhibit the body from storing excess fat. Recent studies have shown that just 3 cups a day long term can help you burn around 33% more fat on a daily basis!


Females will be pleased to read that studies have shown those who drink skimmed milk

each day in the 2 weeks leading up to their menstrual cycle suffer fewer cravings, related to hormones. Milk is also a superb source of protein, Vitamin D and Calcium – all of which help to aid muscle building.

Larger muscles need more energy (calories) to function and therefore aids weight loss. Make sure you don’t opt for full-fat milk though. Non-fat, skimmed or low-fat are all good choices.

Vegetable Juices

According to a study done at Penn. State university, drinking a vegetable juice before your meals may cause you to eat around 135 fewer calories. They are full of fibre which makes you feel fuller for longer. Try and find low-sodium varieties if you can as that makes them even healthier. Your taste buds will thank you for these juices as well as your mirror when you see yourself losing the fat!


Coffee contains caffeine which can act as an appetite suppressant. Coffee has also been shown to stimulate thermogenesis which speeds up your resting metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories whilst not doing physical activity. Be sure to stick to skimmed milk though and be careful what else you put in, such as sweeteners and sugar!

Courtesy: Daily Entertainment

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