Five foods you need to elate your mood

Consuming a healthy food has been scientifically proven to radiate positive vibes into your body, however maintaining a good mood throughout the day under stress is a difficult job.

These five simple foods will relinquish all your worries, plus it will help aid weight loss. The list includes chocolate, eggs and walnuts. These yummy foods will leave you more enthusiastic in your daily struggles.



Chocolate is something which is loved by all ubiquitously. It contains many antioxidants, including magnesium, which relaxes your vessels lowering blood pressure and increasing your circulation. Consuming a few squares of a 70% cocoa bar will reduce your anxiety and alleviate depression, and fatigue.



Eggs are a marvelous source of protein which helps to rebuild your muscles. Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which plays an important role in sustaining the immune system, preventing you from coughs, colds, and sneezes. Vitamin D also wards off depression.



Berry is a small and pulpy fruit. It can taste sweet and sour as well. Common examples

of berries are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants. Berries are big on antioxidants which can help your body fight oxidative stress. These mood-stabilizing fruits contain anthocyanidin which reduces inflammations in the body and decreases depression rates.


Nuts are dry fruits packed with proteins and composed of a hard shell and a seed, which is generally edible. Most nuts contain unsaturated fats which help lower bad cholesterol levels in a human body.

Walnut contains a compound known as melatonin, which prevents diabetes and combats the stress hormone.


The ability to regulate your blood level, especially when working out, puts banana into the category of best items to add to your diet. So the next time when you think you’re putting on some weight and need to cut back on that belly fat, replace your regular diet with bananas.

Bananas are high in potassium content which lowers the possibility of racing heart rates, strokes, and arthritis. While, the vitamin B of this energy-boosting food is considered to relieve depression.

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