A powerful explosion has demolished a multi-storey bank building in Johannesburg, one of the largest city in South Africa, within a span of seconds.
But there is nothing to worry about.
Lets help solve this riddle for you. The 22-storey building was completely demolished in a controlled explosion after fire damaged it irreparably a year before.
The Bank of Lisbon building caught fire in September 2018, claiming the lives of three Johannesburg firefighters.
Soon after the incident, the authorities carried out a structural assessment of the building and declared it unfit for occupation.
Johannesburg’s Emergency Management Services tweeted a clip of the demolition with a message that read: “BankOfLisbon is gone, this brings a close to a painful chapter to the families and colleagues of the fallen firefighter. We will never forget the sacrifice you made #JobugsBravest”
The authorities involved in the demolishing process termed it as one of the most difficult demolitions of lifetime and said that they had to evacuate more than 2000 people from nearby buildings.
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The cleanup operations the site would be completed by early 2020 with an estimated cost of 140 million South African Rand.
A new building will be erected as part of an inner-city rejuvenation project which will see 17 other buildings being renovated.
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