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China’s Xi meets PM Sharif: 20-point joint statement issued

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The Chinese leader and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif signed 51 Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) for cooperation in various fields.

The projects and agreements are related to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, energy, infrastructure, education, agriculture, research and technology and other fields.

Following is the joint statement issued after the signing of MoUs between Pakistan and China.


Joint Statement 

  1. At the invitation of President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China is paying a state visit to Pakistan from20 to 21 April 2015. During the visit, President Xi Jinping met with President Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, leaders of the Senate, the National Assembly, the Armed forces and political parties of Pakistan; and also engaged with people from a wide spectrum of the society.


  1. The Leaders of the two countries reviewed with satisfaction the historical development of Pakistan-China relations and the progress made in recent years. They agreed that the Pakistan-China relationship had acquired greater strategic significance against the backdrop of complex and changing international and regional situations. The two sides agreed to elevate the Pakistan-China relationship to the All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership, enriching the Pakistan-China Community of Shared Destiny, to ensure the perpetual continuity in Pakistan-China friendship from generation to generation.


  1. The Chinese side reiterated that China has always placed its relationship with Pakistan on a priority position in its foreign policy agenda. China appreciates Pakistan’s consistent and staunch support on issues concerning China’s core interests. China reaffirms its support and solidarity for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Pakistan. It appreciates Pakistan’s efforts for the peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues with its neighbours. In fact, friendship and cooperation between Pakistan and China serve the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, and contribute to peace, stability and development in the region and beyond.


  1. The Pakistani side described friendship with China as the cornerstone of its foreign policy. Pakistan is committed to one-China policy. Pakistan  fully supports China in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity.


  1. The two sides agreed to maintain close high-level exchanges, which would provide guidance for the healthy and sustainable development of bilateral relationship. The two sides will further enhance strategic communication and coordination to safeguard their common interests.


  1. The two sides highly appreciate the progress to make China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) an important project of “the Belt and Road”. Pakistan welcomes the creation of Silk Road Fund by China and its utilization for CPEC-related projects. The Pakistan side will firmly support and actively take part in the building of “the Belt and Road”.  Silk Road Fund has become stockholders of China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited Company, and will join hands with it to invest in clean energy projects such as Karot Hydropower Station, which is the first investment project of Silk Road Fund since its establishment. Silk Road Fund is willing to actively seize opportunities to invest in and provide financing for other projects under the framework of CPEC. The two sides believed that the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives represent a new model of regional and South-South cooperation, which will offer new opportunities for Asia’s rejuvenation and the common prosperity of all countries.


  1. In noting the progress made in the building of the CPEC, the two sides stressed that the planning and development of the CPEC will cover all regions and benefit the entire population of Pakistan, while promoting the common development and prosperity of both China and Pakistan as well as other parts of the region. The two sides agreed to promote a “1+4” pattern of economic cooperation featuring a leading role of the CPEC and four key areas including the Gwadar Port, Energy, Transportation Infrastructure and Industrial Cooperation. The two sides welcomed the successful fourth session of the CPEC Joint Cooperation Committee and agreed to complete the CPEC long-term Planning at the earliest possible date. The two sides will actively facilitate the important cooperation projects including the Karakoram Highway (Phase II) Upgrade and Reconstruction, the Gwadar Port, the Karachi-Lahore Motorway (Multan-Sukkur section), the Lahore Metro Orange Line, the Haier-Ruba Economic Zone, the Suki Kinari Hydropower Project, the Pakistan-China Cross-border Fiber Optic Cable, the Landing of DTMB in Pakistan, as well as a number of energy, infrastructure and power generation projects.


  1. The Pakistani side appreciated the generous help the Chinese side has provided for its economic development over the years. The Chinese side reiterated that it will continue to support Pakistan’s efforts to develop its economy, provide assistance to the reconstruction and related projects on people’s livelihoods in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, and provide material assistance for Pakistan to adapt to climate change.


  1. The two sides expressed satisfaction at the growing volume of their bilateral trade, which has crossed US$ 15 billion and agreed to make efforts to raise it to US$ 20 billion in next three years. They also agreed to take appropriate measures to ease the imbalance in their bilateral trade. The two sides decided to speed up the second round of talks on the Pakistan-China Free Trade Agreement, and are ready to open up the banking industry wider to each other under the Pakistan-China Agreement on Trade in Services. Pakistan welcomes the establishment of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and both sides agreed to accelerate the preparation for the Bank to promote regional infrastructure construction and economic development.


  1. The two sides agreed to further enhance maritime cooperation, bring into full play the Pakistan-China Maritime cooperation dialogue mechanism, strengthen policy dialogue and strategic communication on maritime issues, and conduct close cooperation on navigation security, marine economy, the exploration and utilization of marine resources, marine scientific research and environmental protection. The two sides decided to set up a Joint Marine Scientific Research Centre in Pakistan. The Chinese side announced that it will hold a training course on maritime scientific research for South Asian countries in 2015. The Pakistani side expressed its willingness to take an active part in it.


  1. The two sides believed that the security interests of Pakistan and China are closely interconnected. They will actively advocate the Asian security concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. The two sides will continue to enhance cooperation in fighting terrorism and national defence, and strengthen coordination on international and regional security affairs. The two sides will continue working together to resolutely combat the terrorist organization, ETIM. China commended Pakistan’s major contribution to the international counter-terrorism efforts, and will continue to support Pakistan in implementing its counter-terrorism strategy in accordance with its national conditions and enhancing counter-terrorism capacity building. Both sides will continue to regularly utilize their existing mechanisms of Strategic Dialogue and Counter-terrorism Consultations to further promote coordination and mutual understanding.


  1. The two sides agreed to actively promote 2012-2020 Space Cooperation Outline between China National Space Administration and Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission. Both sides agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in space technology applications, expedite the integration process of remote sensing, telecommunication and navigation technologies for their extensive application in communications, hydrology, geology, disaster management, port management, mineral prospection, food security, water prospection and other areas for seeking potential advantage in social and economic development.


  1. The two sides agreed to further enhance defence cooperation, maintain high-level visits and exchanges at various levels between relevant departments of the two armed forces, make full use of the Pakistan-China Defence and Security Consultation mechanism, deepen cooperation in areas such as joint exercises and training, personnel training and equipment and technology, and expand cooperation in defence technology and production.


  1. The two sides attach great importance to people to people and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and will build Pakistan-China relations as a model of friendly exchanges and cooperation among countries of different civilizations. The two are jointly celebrating the Pakistan-China Year of Friendly Exchanges in 2015, and agreed to further expand exchanges between think-tanks, media, youth, academics and artists of the two countries to make Pakistan-China friendship even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. China announced the establishment of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Islamabad, which was welcomed by Pakistan. The two sides announced the agreement on establishment of sister city relations between Chengdu and Lahore, between Karamay and Gwadar as well as between Zhuhai and Gwadar. The two sides will actively encourage and support their publishing organizations to participate in each other’s book fairs and to translate and circulate high-quality publications of each other. The two sides announced the launch of CCTV English News Channel and International Documentary Channel, the establishment of the “FM98 Pakistan-China Friendship Radio” studio by the China Radio International and the Pakistan-China Small-sized Hydro Power Technology National Joint Research Center in Pakistan. The Chinese side announced a training program of 2000 experts from Pakistan in the next 5 years. The Pakistani side expressed its gratitude.


  1. The two sides agreed to strengthen coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues of common interest, and maintain close communication and coordination within international and regional mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) to safeguard the common interest of developing countries. China will actively support Pakistan’s efforts to become a full member of SCO at an early date.


  1. The two sides recognized that the year 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War. Pakistan and China support the international community to use this opportunity to organize commemorative events, in order to draw lessons from history, reaffirm the solemn commitment to the Charter of the United Nations, and safeguard the victory of the Second World War and the contemporary world order and international system based on the Charter of United Nations; to chart the course for the future, explore effective approaches to safeguard international peace and security under new circumstances, and jointly build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation. The two sides support the reform of the United Nations and its Security Council to enable it to better discharge the responsibilities enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. The two sides believed that the Security Council reform should increase the representation of developing countries and engage in democratic consultations to seek a comprehensive solution that accommodates the interests and concerns of all UN Member States and enjoys extensive support.


  1. The two sides believe that a peaceful, stable, cooperative and prosperous South Asia is in the common interest of all parties. The two sides are ready to work together for peace, development and cooperation among the South Asian countries so as to achieve enduring peace and common prosperity in the region. Pakistan supports China in elevating its relations with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, commended the China-South Asia People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges Plan, the China-South Asia Science and Technology Partnership Plan and other initiatives put forward by the Chinese side, and is ready to participate in these initiatives actively.


  1. The two sides believe that cooperation between Pakistan and China is conducive to maintaining peace and stability and promoting common development and prosperity in the region. They reaffirm their commitment to multilateral non-discriminatory arms control and non-proliferation endeavours. They agree to continue bilateral cooperation in civil nuclear energy under IAEA safeguards, in line with their respective bilateral and multilateral commitments. China appreciates and supports steps taken by Pakistan towards its mainstreaming into the global non-proliferation regime. In this context, China welcomes Pakistan’s engagement with the Nuclear Suppliers Group, and is ready to strengthen communication and coordination with Pakistan.


  1. The two sides believe that the evolving situation in Afghanistan has immediate implications for regional security and stability. Pakistan recognizes the constructive role being played by China in regional peace and stability and in this context, the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on Afghanistan, support the “Afghan-owned and Afghan-led” peace and reconciliation process and work with the international community to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region. China will extend full support to Pakistan for hosting a successful Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process in Islamabad in 2015.


  1. President Xi Jinping expressed his appreciation to the government and people of Pakistan for the warm hospitality accorded to him and his delegation. He invited President Mamnoon Hussain to visit China again at a mutually convenient time. The President of Pakistan accepted the invitation with pleasure.
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