This nineteen year old talented boy Zaid Ali has given a new perspective through which he defines the differences between white people (Western) and brown people (Asians). His videos are so well-made that every Asian can relate with it. Here we present you 10 videos that define the life of every Desi and that will make you laugh your heart out. Zaid has more than 1.9 million fans on his facebook page and 138,000 twitter followers. His mother has also been seen in his videos.
You should never try this with brown parents because repercussions will only get severe.
Aisa ho he nahi sakta kay ap Pakistan mai ho or Chai Pani na do!
Every wedding ceremony here has the same story.
That’s why we don’t have superheroes in our country.
White people actually don’t know about the mysterious figure of all time Jinn Baba, who is in everyone’s childhood memory.
Don’t tell anyone when you come because the brown parents will bring the entire Pind to receive you.
Yahan har cheez in our houses is for MEHMAN. Why his videos are so true!
LOL everyone can relate with this!