WhatsApp Dark Mode can now be used by all Android users as it is not available to everyone but a beta version of the app with a trusted source will make them allow to use it.
Facebook-owned WhatsApp is promising a new Dark Mode for its users but it is still unavailable to everyone. However, the users will get access to the newer mode after following the tips given below:
- Download the WhatsApp beta APK [APK Mirror] on your phone.
- Open your phone’s Files app and then tap the downloaded APK file and later tap ‘Continue’ on the warning.
- Tap Install and let it do its thing.
- Once the installation has completed, open WhatsApp and tap the triple-dot icon in the top-right. Then tap Settings.
- Tap Chats and you’ll see an option for Theme. Tap it.
- Now you can pick whether you want light or dark mode. Select Dark and then confirm the setting.
- Enjoy new dark mode!