Was Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson really that fat in childhood?

WASHINGTON: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is well known for his wrestling character and muscled physique, but his physical transformation in one of his recent films was something you shouldn’t miss.

In the film Central Intelligence, the former professional wrestler plays a CIA spy who was bullied in high school because of his weight.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Rawson Thurber, the director of the comedy, revealed that they used special effects to superimpose The Rock’s face onto Vine star Sione Kelepi’s body for flashback scenes.

The RockThe Rock

In the film released on June 17, the 44-year-old action star is caught singing ‘My Lovin” by En Vogue in the boys locker room by bullies during a flashback.

Rawson told magazine: ‘When I was working on the script, this light bulb went off in my head where I thought, “Of course the kid who was bullied in high school, who was a little overweight with acne scars, would transform himself into The Rock.”‘

In a process that took six months in post-production, Weta Digital, a visual effects company, used 3-D face scans, CG animation and performance capture to superimpose The Rock’s face onto Sione’s, according to the website.

The transformation pictures of Johnson were shared thousands of times of the internet with some people misconstruing it for his childhood snaps.

Here’s how The Rock was transformed into a fat guy.






But wait…







They were special effects to superimpose The Rock’s face on Vine star Sione Kelepi’s body for flashback scenes













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