LONDON: A taxi driver set an example of honesty by returning a cellular phone to its owner eight months after she left it in his cab in London.
According to the details, Shay Sade was left surprised when a driver of a ride-hailing service handed her phone back eight months after she left it in his taxi.
She said,” Her trust in humanity was restored after the driver returned the phone.”
“It made me feel like people are nice – there are nice people out there. I’ve lost things in the past and people have used it or done stuff with it,” said Sade.
“This is the first time a stranger has done something like this, he didn’t have to, I just thought, ‘Wow, you’re such a nice human being.”
Sade added she took rides on a
number of Ubers on that day and didn’t have any clue where she dropped her phone. Once she realised her phone was missing, she searched her bag, her room, and even used her other phone to make calls.“I tried calling the phone I’d lost but it wouldn’t ring. I kept ringing, but I knew how temperamental that phone was and that it was going to switch off at any minute,” she said.
Luckily for her, the driver had no intentions of selling the phone or keeping it for his own use, Times Now News reported.
The phone was returned to Sade after she managed to book the same cab on 30 April, eight months after her previous ride with the same driver. The driver had found her phone and had been holding on to it since August 2020.
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