Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra are two Bollywood actresses who have transcended boundaries to become international stars in their own right. While we have all witnessed the success of Priyanka and her Quantico TV series, Deepika is about to make waves across the world with her upcoming movie XXX: The Return of Xander Cage in which she stars beside Hollywood superstars Vin Diesel and Nina Dobrev.
If rumours are to be believed, the two actresses are currently competing to land the coveted Bond girl role for the upcoming James Bond movie. Here’s what a source revealed to an Indian website:-
“Deepika is finishing the final leg of XXX – she had given them bulk dates for the film. And over the past 18 months, Priyanka Chopra has been shooting for Quantico, and only recently she started work on Baywatch too. Both the actors have very strong teams there who are deftly managing their work and have been pitching them to various Hollywood studios. And they have also made it clear to their respective agents that they are not interested in doing two-bit roles,” said the source.
Priyanka Chopra is currently shooting for Baywatch beside Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Zac Effron. Chopra has been notched up to play a negative role in the series. Reports were also doing the rounds a couple of days earlier that Deepika had auditioned for the lead role in the upcoming Mummy reboot movie, which also features Tom Cruise.
The last James Bond movie released in 2015 Spectre featured three Bond girls namely Monica Bellucci, Lea Seydoux and Naomi Harris. Perhaps Deepika and Priyanka both could make the cut?