Bollywood actor and climate activist Dia Mirza said global warming means death sentence for countless living species.
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Dia Mirza made the statement in her latest Instagram reel. She stated that earth is on the verge of disaster.
“For more than 100 years, humanity has been burning fossil fuels to power our factories, heat our homes and propel our cars,” she said. “As we have done that, we flooded our atmosphere with planet warming gasses…super heating the earth.”
The activist added, “We have k nown for 40 years that this could be disastrous, that it could wreak havoc on our sensitive climatic systems that it could condemn us to our future of heatwave, water shortage and monstrous storms but now a new report of the United Nations finds that grim future could be just around the corner.”
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The Bollywood star went on to say that Emissions Gas Report 2022 of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) stated that the world would still face catastrophic climate change even if countries live up to their promises of reduce their fossil fuel emissions.
“The kind of warming that it envisions would be death sentence for countless living beings including many people. While time is running out we can still avoid that fate,” she said.
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