Conspiracy theorist claims to have spotted missing Flight MH370 underwater

A conspiracy theorist has claimed that he may have found missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 on Google Maps.

An outline of a plane, which the unnamed theorist suggests could be underwater, has been posted online after a computer search of waters off the coast of Padang, Indonesia.

The location is around an hour’s flight from where MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in March 2014. The post was published online and the author said the plane could be underwater and could possibly be MH370.

However, he could not rule out the possibility of it simply being another plane coming in to land above the water. The conspiracy theorist wrote: “Just putting this out there, what if this was the MH370 after all this time?

“Some will say it’s just an aircraft coming in for landing caught on satellite, some may say this is just a bogus post.

“But just imagine the aircraft came in for a slow soft water landing, in calm waters which is below the radar and they knew it was there for a rescue job.

“If you do a calculation of its size via google tools, its about 12 to 15m long on top of the water. I am not too sure for the formula to calculate its size say at 15-20m depth of water. Someone may know it.”

Others agreed the images could show the missing plane.

One viewer wrote: “Yikes, it’s not a bogus post, I just checked and it was there. And it ain’t coming into land, if you look closely, it looks like it’s upside down?

“It’s so close to that island and the main coast, someone had to have survived? Unless it disorientated them being upside down? Nice catch.”

Others were slightly more cynical with one commenter adding: “It’s right side up. If it were upside down, the engine mounts would be more visible.

“Also, this one is above the water, as you can clearly see it, if it was at the bottom in the water.”

The Beijing-bound flight lost contact with air traffic control 40 minutes after take-off over the South China Sea and disappeared from radar. The jet was carrying 239 people, including all passengers and crew, when it disappeared off the radar.

In July, crash investigators revealed they considered more than 60 theories about what could have happened to the plane as they published their “final” report into the disaster .

According to lead investigator Kok Soo Chon, the aircraft, instead of going to Beijing, “made a right turn then a left turn and went in a south-westerly direction”.

Communications equipment was also turned off. The turn-back “was not because of anomalies in the mechanical systems… we can confirm the turn-back… was made under manual control”, he said.

Mr Kok said: “We cannot establish if the aircraft was flown by anyone other than the pilot, but we cannot exclude the possibility of unlawful interference by a third party.”

There was no evidence to suggest any of the crew deliberately crashed the plane or that it was remotely hijacked by hackers, as conspiracy theorists have suggested.

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