LAHORE: Chief Minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif on Wednesday ordered strict action against those found responsible for failing to provide adequate and prompt medical treatment to the woman who died helplessly on Monday on the floor of the Jinnah Hospital Lahore.
According to details, an initial investigation report on the tragic incident was presented before the CM Punjab today.
Shahbaz Sharif expressed annoyance and grief over the sheer negligence on part of the doctors and hospital staff after a woman, Zehra Bibi, who reportedly suffered a heart attack died earlier this week.
Her daughter brought her to Jinnah Hospital Lahore at 3.15am on Monday after she suffered a heart attack in a remote area of Punjab.
Despite a medical emergency, staffers at the hospital helped the ailing woman with a drip after a delay of three hours but that too on the ward floor, as the hospital has been operating with insufficient furnishings and medical supplies to treat the patients coming in from almost all parts of the Punjab.
Taking stern action against the responsible persons, the provincial chief minister ordered to suspend Medical Superintendent (MS) Jinnah Hospital Lahore immediately.
He said that making a critically ill patient lay down on the floor was an extreme example of professional negligence which could not be tolerated.