Bipasha Basu had announced earlier this month that she and her boyfriend Karan Singh Grover intended to get married on April 30th. Soon enough, a source had confirmed to various Indian websites that the actress’ Mehendi ceremony would be held one day before the wedding. Now, we have pictures for you capturing the bride, groom and their families in utmost joy!
#Happy #monkeywedding 😁 #nofilter A photo posted by Vijayeta Basu (@vi_basu) on
#Repost @rockystar100 with @repostapp. ・・・ @bipashabasu @iamksgofficial #sohappy # #celebrations 🍾😍😘😘🍾🍾🍾 A photo posted by Deanne Panday (@deannepanday) on
Soul sisters 👭👭❤️ #BestFriendsWedding #SoHappy #Pooja #Bengali #Tradition #SoHappy A photo posted by Deanne Panday (@deannepanday) on
The actress also snapped a couple of pictures of the wedding gifts she had received and uploaded it on her official Instagram account.
❤️#monkeywedding A photo posted by bipashabasu (@bipashabasu) on